Friday, November 27, 2009

.well hello old friends. its been to long.

well... in light of the fact that it has been about a bazzzzilllliooonnnn years since i have posted anything on this blog... yeah, well its about time. I suppose that i just needed to "move on" in the sense that i just had to keep myself from dwelling and just get on with living and loving God and life and everything that is amazing about the world that God has put me in. Don't get me wrong, pretty much every day is filled with thoughts of our precious Max... actually i've had dreams, and call me crazy, but full on moments where the grace of God gave me special well, moments, with my Max... so he has NEVER been even close to being far from thought... but hopefully you know what i mean by getting on with life. anyhow. that said, its been in my heart to start up a bit of a blog about the journey. especially considering the current times... and our growing family...
please excuse the fact that i hardly ever capitalize anything, as well as frequently jump from aussie to american english. it, in fact, is the nature of the fact that i grew up american and now am officially a permanent resident of australia. *but will forever be an american at heart* sigh*i love america*
to give an update on the past months, well, i'll just do my best ! We are in fact parents. i know right... WHOA! So let me explain.. huey: is 6 months old and is our handsome golden retriever. He gives the most slobbery kisses in the world. i love him xx

now our second child will need a little explaining.. but i can't actually explain anything. so bear with me. We had it on our hearts to become foster carers. So after a lot of prayer, meetings, courses, and assesments, we were approved as short term carers... phew. Then one day, at 3pm, we got a call from the agency, and they dropped off the most beautiful/stunning/sweet/baby bundle i have ever seen at our door at 5pm. so INSTANT mommyhood. Now... yes i was unbelievably overwhelmed with love and excitement for this precious girl. and also, as i closed the door, overwhelmed with and OHMYGOSH moment... as in... i have never been a mommy at home before...with a baby... all by myself... i mean... i've been a nanny... i know the basics... but OHMYGOSH... i'm totally in charge... WHOA! Our princess was 11weeks old when she came and now shes just turning 6mths. We are in heaven. I have no idea how long we will have her...who knows... ? God knows. And she has an amazing Father in heaven that knows exactly what she needs and when. So we are trusting... trusting God with our hearts as we love unconditionally, and trusting him with this beautiful girl who's in our lives. *no pics allowed at this point* :) although i would LOVE to show you how absolutely beautiful she is!!

Its a beautiful place to be. just trusting. i'm sensing this is a theme. God is really teaching us thoroughly. and i'm SO glad. so. thats all for now. just an update. love x jilly


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update... I'm so so SO glad for you guys, God IS faithful, isn't He? Always opening new doors.
I get what you say about Max always being in you're heart, but it's a beautiful thing to be able to keep living and going forward.

What a surprise, a baby bundle being dropped at your door two hours after hearing about's an adventure...
And BIG props for doing foster care, you two are being the hands and feet of Jesus to this little girl and I have so much respect for that.
Keep trusting Abba, He knows what's best for everyone, always.
As you can't post pics of your baby, keep posting pictures of Huey cause he's SO CUTE :-)))

eumesmaqui said...

I'm from Brazil and share the Hillsong, I'm glad you have a baby, what a surprise huh? God really knows what to do if he put the princess in your life and your husband is that he has a purpose in life of each one, right?
God bless you, your husband, and his princess, and that He makes His will, but hope it all right and that you can stick with it, will be a great victory, one more victory that God has placed in your life !

the cutest dog!

kisses, Isabella Liba
a new friend, from Brazil.

T A Mi Dios said...

Thanks for the update!!!

Our hope is found in the One whom the government rests on his shoulders. In the words of The Message, from Psalm 103:6, “God makes everything come out right.

with love AND great hope…..
